We’ll provide you a total body workout and experience which will dramatically improve your strength, flexibility, posture & overall wellbeing

Experience the benefits Pilates has to offer

Come to Pilates with what you would like to improve: strength, flexibility, balance and agility. Leave with the tools of breath awareness, working towards concentration, control & precision if that’s your eventual goal.

No cookie-cutter lessons

All sessions are tailored to suit individual needs, making the practice accessible to everyone.

In 10 sessions you will feel better, in 20 you will look better, and in 30 you will have a whole new body.

- Joseph Pilates (founder of Pilates)

  • Pilates for tennis

    Pilates for Tennis is the ultimate tennis fitness experience for all fitness and tennis levels. The workout features the orange fitness ball, games, and group heart rate training. After our 50 minutes of fitness, Zoe Edwards will cool you down with Pilates for Tennis so that you leave feeling relaxed and refreshed! No previous experience required

  • Get moving

    Pilates helps loosen tight muscles in chest, shoulder and upper back. At the same time, it also strengthens important muscles, like those responsible for rotation and protecting the spine. All this helps a player generate more power through their strokes.

  • Injury prevention

    Pilates helps prevent injuries by balancing muscular strength on both sides of the body, strengthening your core and enhancing your body awareness.


 Start your pilates journey today